Wifarer offers several indoor positioning solutions. Our mobile-centric solutions uses either a venue's existing WiFi infrastructure or Bluetooth LE beacons to accurately position users inside, reliably registering transitions between floors and integrating GPS data for seamless indoor-outdoor transitions. Our Bluetooth LE solution offers class leading levels of accuracy and consistency not previously seen in IPS solutions, and functions equally on iOS and Android. Our network-based solutions are multi-platform, providing indoor positioning services to visitors on iOS and Android.
Our SDKs, available for Android and iOS, enable our developer community to integrate our core IPS technology - positioning, bluedot navigation, LBS, and movement analytics - into existing or new mobile applications.
Our new mobile fingerprinter will greatly simplify the adoption of IPS into existing or new iOS and Android Apps.
Wifarer is at the forefront of IPS research. We hold a robust portfolio of intellectual property related to indoor positioning and navigation, and have received numerous awards for our innovations. Our developers are continuously refining our algorithms and inventing the features that have established us as industry leaders. We are currently exploring the use of surprisingly different sensors for locating, and pioneering exciting new machine-to-machine transactions.
Wifarer's advanced algorithms provide indoor navigation from your customer's current location to their destination, including travel time and distance. We provide seamless navigation both within buildings and from one building to another. We also support alternative paths for different customer segments, including wheelchair accessible routing for those with mobility challenges.